Moving On…On Tuesday
Today marks the end of one of several projects I’ve been
working on this summer. Earlier in the month I finished one book project and
today is the release of Emily P. Freeman’s book Simply Tuesday, a book project of a different sort. A few months
back I was invited to apply for a spot on the launch team for the book, and
much to the surprise of this inconsistent blogger, I was chosen. What’s a
launch team?
The cynical answer is that you are chosen to work for free
marketing a book through word of mouth and social media. The book lover answer
is that you are chosen to get an advance copy of a book by an author you
already enjoy reading, and tell your closest 1,000 social media friends how
much you like it. At least, they hope you like it. You receive emails from a
team leader with tasks and inspiration for ways you can get the message out
about the book, and you join a Facebook group to connect with others on your
launch team.
I discovered I’m even an introvert on social media, because
while I read everything on the team page, I didn’t contribute much there. I
posted about three things, “liked” mostly everyone’s posts and I made only a
couple comments. What was interesting was watching a community of women immediately
begin to form from all over the country and Canada. People started following
one another on Instagram, followed each other’s blogs, and prayed for each
other, some even met up at a conference they found they were all attending. They
made friends. I didn’t. Because I’m the girl in the corner of the couch
watching you all mingle. Don’t feel bad though, because I learned a lot, found
some great writers and of course, got to read a great book before everyone
else. And, a great book it is.
Today, the book is released to the rest of the world and I
hope they embrace it. This book was a book I was meant to read this summer,
after a long season of seeking the Lord for what I was supposed to be doing,
how and when and where I was supposed to be doing it. I discovered a ton about myself
reading this book, and a little about God, too. Does that freak you out a bit,
the little about God part?
That’s because this book is heavy on introspection in a good
way, with a gentle constant reminder that you are not alone, Christ is with you
and Christ is in you. The emphasis of the book is on embracing humility,
although I couldn’t have defined that way until about 100 pages in. When Emily
talks about being small, about being directed by love, about shutting down the
hustle by sitting on a bench, she’s talking about humility, dependence on God,
being led by the Spirit and cultivating relationships along the way. It’s a
different language than I speak, there’s an absence of biblical terms that I’m used
to, and as I said in another post, a poetic language, one I had to learn to
glean the spiritual truth in her writing. I’m dense that way. When I’m sick I
read apologetic books as a literary comfort food. Now I feel bilingual. Plus, I
suspect Emily is my clone, albeit a more mature one.
Listen, our flesh and this world push for big, for
significant, for impactful, for fame of some sort constantly. At best it
confuses us and at worst, it destroys us. Whenever I feel defeated,
unprofitable, and insignificant and let’s just say it, a failure, I remember
that I was created for good works that I would walk in them. To discover what
they are and how to walk in them requires a smallness, an acceptance of the
humility Jesus showed when He allowed no accolades, when He washed feet, when
He went to the cross. It is to sit with
Him, to let Him show you how your smallness is a gift, and how He uses that for
His kingdom.
And now I’m done. It’s time to move on, to more projects, to
more books, to more good works. It’s time for vacation, it’s time to absorb
what I’ve been shown and decide how I move forward with it. It’s time for change,
for growth, for overcoming fear with faith. It’s time for the last peach shake
of the season and a new Bible study. It’s time for Raiders football and the
other 31 teams. It’s time, as Emily says, for small moment living in a fast paced world. Let’s
get on with it.