Day 31-Finding Enjoyment in Finishing
I did it! For 31 consecutive days I posted something on the topic of enjoyment. I can't believe that one whole month has past, and this is over as quickly as it began. I confess when I started this, I really wasn't confident that- 1. I would find 31 things to post and 2. That I would actually post for 31 days. When I started, I was most inspired by what I had been reading in the book of Ecclesiastes, and I thought my posts would take a more spiritual tone, sort of unpacking what the Lord showed me in that book. Maybe, if you know me, that's what you expected, and instead you got a lot of ramblings about food and other things. Sorry, but I hope you enjoyed it. I have really enjoyed pondering enjoyment this past month. It started out easy, got harder, and even in that, I found an enjoyment in the challenge. In the ruthless editing. If you think what you got wasn't very good, you should have read what I deleted. ...