We Interrupt This Program For Breaking News
Sigh. As I write, I’m waiting to have a medical test because a previous test was not good news. Not scary news, but not good news. This week, and it’s only Thursday, I have three friends waiting for test results. I’m doing a lot of praying for good news. I am a recovering news addict, someone for whom 24 hour news channels were created. Well, I don’t know that I’m really recovering, I just don’t watch t.v. news anymore and instead read all my news on the internet. That’s because I can read from five different sites all the news that is relevant to me in the time the t.v news takes to tell me a story about a duck that was rescued from a sewer drain in a town I’ll never go to. This might be news to the people who live on that street, it is not news to me, for me or about me. Good news for the duck, not news for me. Every one of us likes good news. No one likes the question of good news/bad news because who ever wants bad news? You know what? Bad news is coming. Sorry, it just is...