
Showing posts from July 8, 2007

Burdens Cast on Him

This comes to us from the Spurgeon Archives, where you can find the daily devotional "Faith's Checkbook". Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee; he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22) It is a heavy burden; roll it on Omnipotence. It is thy burden now, and it crushes thee; but when the Lord takes it, He will make nothing of it. If thou art called still to bear, "he will sustain thee." It will be on Him and not on thee. Thou wilt be so upheld under it that the burden will be a blessing. Bring the Lord into the matter, and thou wilt stand upright under that which in itself would bow thee down. Our worst fear is lest our trial should drive us from the path of duty; but this the Lord will never suffer. If we are righteous before Him, He will not endure that our affliction should move us from our standing. In Jesus He accepts us as righteous, and in Jesus He will keep us so. What about the present moment? Art thou going for...

Streams In The Desert

One of my favorite devotionals, this comes to us from The moment has come when you must get off the perch of distrust, out of the nest of seeming safety, and onto the wings of faith; just such a time as comes to the bird when it must begin to try the air. It may seem as though you must drop to the earth; so it may seem to the fledgling. It, too, may feel very like falling; but it does not fall--it's pinions give it support, or, if they fail, the parent birds sweeps under and bears it upon its wings. Even so will God bear you. Only trust Him; "thou shalt be holden up." "Well, but," you say, "am I to cast myself upon nothing?" That is what the bird seems to have to do; but we know the air is there, and the air is not so unsubstantial as it seems. And you know the promises of God are there, and they are not unsubstantial at all. "But it seems an unlikely thing to come about that my poor weak soul should be girded with such strengt...

Welcome to That Good Part

When I started my first blog, Know & Believe, I had intended to use it only for book reviews. I didn't even really read blogs at that time and as a technophobe, certainly didn't know how to to anything but type. But as time has gone on, and I explored the blog world, I began to pray about branching out into a new forum. Like Christian books, sifting through the Christian blogs are a lot like walking through a field of both landmines and quicksand. Explosive and emotionally driven sites pollute the simplicity of the Gospel, while circumstance and need driven sites suck us back into the mirey clay we've been delivered from. A few delight me, turning us to the truth of scripture more than the doctrinal wranglings of man, building up the body though the Word of God rather than biting and devouring each other. So I pray this blog will be that good part, the place where we sit at His feet and get that one thing that is needed.