When You Have a Second Home
I have friends who recently sold a cabin about three hours away from their home. It was in the mountains, and decorated like a beautiful mountain cabin would be; lots of knobby wood furniture made from trees, the colors of fall in the mountains, and lake inspired. It reflected it's surroundings and looked nothing like my friends every day home. Which, by the way, is also beautiful, just different. I've always wondered about having a second home, would it look just like my every day home? Or would I try the things there I wouldn't want to live with all the time? I doubt I'll ever have a second home to furnish, but I do have a second internet home , and it's different than this one in a couple of different ways. First of all, I share it with my daughter and granddaughter, and secondly, it is dedicated to the reviews of books. And specifically, books we want to recommend. So far, I don't bother with books I don't want to encourage you to read. Why? Lets ju...