Day 9- Finding Enjoyment in Friendship
I have spent the last three days in the company of somewhere around 900 women. I know probably less than 20 of them. It is interesting to me how women can become friends in less time than it takes to make a soy chai latte. Because of that truth I now know 21 of them. That's pretty good for me, because I'm a real introvert, and there is very little about being in a group of any size that makes me comfortable. Even writing about this makes me vaguely uncomfortable.
This is a pastors wives retreat, so we have some unique ties that bind, joys and challenges that most women will never experience. Some years ago, maybe even the first year I attended this retreat I went to a workshop that was about being a Spirit filled pastors wife. The speaker made a statement that always stuck with me. "Let the Holy Spirit pick your friends, He knows the ones you need."
Among these 900 women are my Holy Spirit friends. They are women with whom I have surprisingly little in common. We don't watch the same movies or television shows, we dont engage in the same recreational pastimes, our hobbies are not the same. But these are the women I will confess anything to, will call in the darkest night, will heed their counsel and and covet their prayers. Were it not for the Holy Spirit, I would not, could not enjoy my time with them so much. I sat with two of my friends this week and as we affirmed one another by sharing the character traits we valued about each other one gal said "All three of us together make the perfect woman!" Separately, we are so different.
We have opportunity as Christians to enjoy friendship in a way that others don't. Our relationships aren't based on what we have in common on the horizontal plane, but rather they are extensions of the relationship we have with Jesus. I will never make burlap flower wreaths and they will never go to the drag races with me. But as we yield individually to Gods purpose to conform us into the image of His Son, though our differences remain, we grow closer to each other because of the things we share in Christ. The deepening of our friendship with each other helps each of us to grow in our relationship with Christ.
I'm glad that God in His infinite wisdom and perfect plan for my life chose these women and others to be my friends. In one of our last sessions, our speaker asked this question-
"Do any of us have so many friends that we could not use one more?"
In all your ways (including choosing and growing your friendships) acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path...