School Daze

I just read a post from a young friend whose oldest child has begun......preschool. For her, the experience of standing at a classroom doorway and watching her daughter hug her little brother goodbye was that flavor of bitter and sweet, emotions in a blender on high for a moment. I remember those feelings more tangibly from Ashley's kindergarten experience. All us parents in front of the school, meeting the couple and their daughter who would soon become Ashley's best friend, and who God would use powerfully in our lives as a witness. Wondering if she'd miss us, or never notice we were gone. Sounds cliche but wasn't that just yesterday?

Now, she is a wife, a good wife. She and her husband are praying and planning for their future, and enjoying their present. She's a godly woman with a ministry God has chosen for her, which she is entering into with fear, trembling and admit it Muffin, an excitement. She loves to read, (big surprise) bake and entertain. She is smart, witty, compassionate and fearless with computer buttons. And when she was five, on that September morning, I had no idea that this is who she would be in this season of life.

Oh, the privilege of raising a child. More importantly, privilege of raising a child in the Lord. How grateful I am for the grace of God, the power of the Spirit, and the gift of the Son. So Moms, standing at that classroom door, be it preschool or a college campus, rejoice! Today the Lord has put your child on a new path, and when the classroom door closes to separate you, He remains at their side, with love that exceeds yours, to work in them both to will and to do for His good pleasure. He is the Faithful Father.


slyefamily said…
tear inducer....cant even imagine what she'll grow up to be like. pray pray pray for us, because i am so scared to mess her up!
Ashley said…
Thanks for being such a good Mom! I am who I am cause of you :) love you Mommy!

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