Oh, No!

I saw the most alarming item in our church bulletin yesterday: Daylight Savings Time ends this week. Words fail in the attempt to describe how great is the cloud of despair that gathers on the horizon. Sigh.

I've tried to ignore the way October is speeding to a close. But alas, it can be denied no more, and with great trepidation I acknowledge my least favorite time of the year is just around the corner. So I am buying some new jammie sweats today and the giant vat of hot chocolate from Costco in what will surely be a vain effort to find comfort. Good thing I don't live in Minnesota.

I should have seen it coming, since my yearly fall habits have begun to creep in. Some of them are....
  1. I have begun to crave bologna. This stems from the fond childhood memory in which we drove to the only truly cold place nearby, Palomar Mountain, to play in the five minutes of snow that falls yearly. We would always take a thermos of hot chocolate and bologna on white bread with mustard. If you add Frito's, well, that's just a little slice of heaven.
  2. I baked bread. If it gets dark before 7:00 p.m., I bake bread. Only bread. It had been so long since I baked bread that when I went to lock the Kitchen Aid, I forgot which one was the lock and which one was the power. Did you know that when you turn a mixer on full speed and all the ingredients are dry, you get to clean the whole kitchen and wash Mr. Knightley? Now you know.
  3. I have been cleaning frantically. I never spring clean, as soon as I start to feel like it's spring my goal is to be outside every waking moment. A California spring and summer with every door and window open constantly produces a house that needs to be frantically cleaned.

So I will try to take comfort in a clean house, clean dog and warm bread. And really, though I fully expect to have some degree of my annual fall funk, I will rejoice and be glad. You know why?

Genesis 1:14-19 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; ..........And God saw that it was good.

God made it this way, and He saw that it was good. When God says it's good, well, doggone it, it is good. Because He is good, and everything He does is good, I will call it good as well. Now, pass the Frito's.


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