
I was over on Charlie Campbell's apologetic site, www.alwaysbeready.com, the other day and checked out his blog. He has a link to a segment on CNN in which Dr. John MacArthur, respected Bible teacher, and Doug Pagitt, emergent church leader, debate whether Christians should practice yoga. While this is a topic worth looking at, what is really worth your attention in this clip is Doug Pagitt. If you want to see the redefinition of Christianity that is refered to in 1 John 2:18-29 in our day and age, check him out. Watch it to the end, the most telling portion is Pagitts final comments off camera. I'm too techno-challenged to post the right link here.

I'm not a big fan of naming names, it is one of the more unpleasant aspects of talking about false teaching. I'd much rather focus on the error than the person teaching it. People often get all bent out of shape when you name someone they like, thinking you're attacking the person. Deceivers come and deceivers go, but the lie remains relatively unchanged. The same lie rears it's head-you can be like God, it doesn't really matter what He said, and anyone who says otherwise is just trying to keep you from what you need. This clip, however, was such a stunning example of the differences between Biblical Christianity and what is sweeping through the Church I had to mention it.

The truth is, the truth is. His Word is truth, and reveals all we need to know about all we need to know. No new revelation, or redefinition is necessary. Return to the things you were first told, as John says in his first epistle. Remember what you first heard, abide in it, obey it.

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. John 17:17-18


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